Get to know the Barefoot Team – Physio Leo’s Barefooter Story
1 – What’s your favourite activity outside of work and how does it help you live your Barefoot Lifestyle? Outside of work, I love spending time with my dog, Potato. So, taking him for walks, fetching, playing soccer and a nap. I find it relaxing when I spend time in places where there is a lot of nature! I also love to get my family and friends to get together to play volleyball and have a nice dinner as ...

Annie’s Barefooter Story
Annie is as sunny and positive as she is calm and quiet. She's a delightful presence to have in the clinic and you can't help but feel better after spending time with her. Annie is passionate about many things and her values are seeped into every aspect of her florist business which we love. Therefore, Caitlin recently sent through some questions to Annie so you can all get to know this superstar Barefooter a bit better. Question 1: You are ...

Seraj’s Barefooter Story
When thinking about our wonderful Barefooter clients there's generally quite a few shared attributes and one of them is a Zest For Life. A zest for life is something Seraj has in spades. He lights up any room he is in and always has a smile and a funny story to share whether that be a recent work story, one from his many hobbies or travel related. He also has a long list of passions to keep him chatting, but ...

Get to know the Barefoot Team – Physio Georgia’s Barefooter Story
1 - What’s your favourite activity outside of work and how does it help you live your Barefoot Lifestyle ? Apart from all the rowing, I love to crochet, and I’ve started making toys for a few very special nieces and nephews. I find that its very calming and helps to settle my mind after a big day. Being able to give something handmade as a first birthday present to my nephew Charlie was a special moment. Rowing has been ...

Get to know the Barefoot Team- Physio Kelcie’s Barefooter Story
1 - What’s your favourite activity outside of work and how does it help you live your Barefoot Lifestyle ? When I am not at work, you can find me at the climbing gym. I love bouldering as it is a great way to move around and have fun at the same time. I also love that it reminds me that persistence and consistency pay off. There is a lot of falling off the wall, but you must pick yourself ...

Get to know the Barefoot Team – Physio Dan’s Barefooter Story
1 - What’s your favourite activity outside of work and how does it help you live your Barefoot Lifestyle ? One of the biggest things about the Barefoot Lifestyle that I find relevant is staying mentally and physically active. I usually do this by going to the gym for strength training which really helps me reset my brain and focus on my physical body. To keep mentally active I read books on my way to work in the morning as ...

Jacki’s Barefooter Story
Questions by CaitlinA passion for anything health and fitness paired with a bubbly personality make Jacki a delight to have in the clinic and a great role model for living your Barefoot lifestyle! 1. Pre COVID you were regularly competing in Masters swimming, including National championships. Can you tell us more about how you got into that and what motivates you to keep going?Before COVID hit and everything changed, I had been regular Master’s swimming competitor. It all began when ...

Get to know the Barefoot Team – Physio Caitlin D’s Barefooter Story
1 - What’s your favourite activity outside of work and how does it help you live your Barefoot Lifestyle ? I always love reading books! I have found it a very effective strategy to help my brain relax and reset with some quiet time. This sets me up perfectly to engage more fully in whatever other activities I need to do for the day, or wind down after a big day. 2 - What is your favourite movement activity, ...

Kat’s barefooter story
Questions by Britt It is always great to chat to you and hear your passion about helping improve people’s lives. What led to you becoming a peer support person and can you tell us a bit about what your job entails? What led me to my current career as Peer support worker was that both my mother and myself suffered mental health issues. I wanted to be able to support people from a non-judgemental place to help them through their ...

Kathryn Barefooter story
Kathryn is such a lovely smiling face in the clinic and has a depth of character that means the more you peel the onion back the better she gets! Have a read of her answers to Caitlin's questions 🙂 You’re originally from Canada but have called Aus home for a long time now. What are the biggest differences you notice, what do you love most about Australia and what do you miss from Canada (I know breakfast cereal is top ...

Get to know the Barefoot Team – Physio Caitlin S’s Barefooter Story
1 – What’s something you love to do outside of work and how does it help you live your Barefoot Lifestyle? Anyone that knows me know I am very passionate about food. I take time to sit and plan my menu for the week – on weeks where I know I’ll be busy, I pick easy meals I’m familiar with but when I have the time I love trying new recipes and learning new things. For me cooking is a ...

Russ’ Barefooter story
Now you may or may not have run into Russ at the clinic. If you have you will know about it. The pure Joie de vivre that comes from him lights up any room. Crazy cool cars and trucks, weekends in the bush, adventures with the incredible Mandie and all while being open and honest about Mental Health. We love a person with depth and you know Russ has it. Read on and learn a bit more, you'll be a ...

The amazing Kate – lives life to the full and speaks up for those who need it (including the bees!)
Kate is a classic Barefooter… so friendly and lovely to have at the clinic and so many amazing stories to tell. We love that she speaks openly about Mental Health and advocates for people getting the help they need. We love when she comes to the clinic there is always laughter, especially when her dog Roxy comes along too! With all the amazing things she does we didn't even get to ask her about her travels but made sure their ...

Get to know the Barefoot Team – Physio Sal’s Barefooter Story
1 – What’s something you love to do outside of work and how does it help you live your Barefoot Lifestyle? I start every day with a walk with Pip. This could be a wandering lap of the block in Highgate Hill that includes a coffee, a Pip big run at the cricket fields in Fairfield throwing the ball or on the beach at Toogoom out on the sand flats. For me it ticks a lot of Barefoot Lifestyle boxes; ...

Lara – A Barefooter story of life, lungs and laughter!
As Donate Life week is at the end of this month we'd like to share a Barefooter story of Lara who is an organ recipient to raise awareness of the awesomeness of Organ Donation. We usually write a little intro but I think I'll leave it to Lara to introduce herself. Questions by Sal Lara! You superstar – could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your health history? How much time do you have? So, I was ...

Jayde – weekend adventurer and all round legend 🙂
Jayde is a hilarious pocket rocket that does some pretty cool things on the weekend. We love hearing all her stories so asked her to share a bit about her life with us. Questions by Sal 1 – Superstar Jayde! You have some sweet adventurous weekends… can you explain what VMR is and what you do in it? VMR stands for Volunteer Marine Rescue, and our base is in Southport next to the SeaWorld Resort. I find the easiest way ...

Get to know the Barefoot Team – Physio Britt’s Barefooter Story
1 – What’s something you love to do outside of work and how does it help you live your Barefoot Lifestyle? One of the biggest things about the Barefoot Lifestyle that resonates with me is being connected and centred. I'm very lucky and grateful to have such a wonderful family and my regular catchups with them is one of the best parts of my week. As all my clients know I love a morning shift at work and so on Wednesday's ...

Shellie – recharging the Energizer bunny 🙂
Shellie is a superstar - an incredible human who brings laughter and fun to everywhere she is. We have always admired her and even more after watching her learn to take care of herself fully over the last year and becoming an advocate for true self care. Here's to recharging batteries! Questions by Caitlin You have travelled to some interesting and stunning places. Tell us more about some of your favourite destinations and where to next! Choosing my favourite destination ...

Keeping Up With Our Jetsetter and Soccer Enthusiast, Hannah!
At some stage you have probably meet someone, or even visited our clinic and have become intrigued as to how our Physio's have got to where they are or wanted to know what motivates them to keep their high energy levels. Catherine asks this weeks Barefoot Story questions to our very own Hannah, as we delve behind the scenes of travel, sport and physio. Q1. You are a massive travel enthusiast and always seem to have an adventure planned. What ...

Barefooter Benjamin Wood has a real passion for Snowboarding
You have a huge passion for snowboarding, which as seen you going to Japan multiple times and loving it! Give us a run down of the last japan trip and how your snowboarding went. Yes, I have a huge passion for snowboarding. My last trip to Japan was my third time there. My second visit was to Niseko. It is such a beautiful country. The landscape is awesome, the people are friendly and the snow is amazing! This trip, though, ...

Kyla Cummings – a love for travel and adventures
1. You are keen traveller – what do you enjoy most about travelling and where are some of your favourite places that you have been? (local, interstate, international are all welcome!) I love travelling! Experiencing a new place and culture has changed the way I see the world and others. I try to go overseas once a year and to see some small towns and hidden gems in Australia as much as possible too. My fave places have been Italy, ...

Q&A with our Senior Physiotherapist Caitlin Sargent-Jones
Barefooters this is definitely worth a read – Q&A with our Senior Physiotherapist Caitlin Sargent-Jones. Questions by Sal. Mrs Jones! You have been selected to write a Barefooter story! What an honour! I know that everyone that gets to know you finds out you are so much more than a fast-running Physio so let’s delve into what makes you tick. Q1 – Something that I think we (the general public) don’t really know about is how full on the training ...

Barefooter Paul Newman explains his passion for flyball racing
Out of your long list of hobbies, the one I knew least about was flyball racing! Give us the run down of what that entails and how you’re involved. Travel has always been a topic of conversation during our sessions, where has been your favorite place in the last year? Where would you go next if you could fly off tomorrow? Another thing keeping you busy is your grandkids! How do you normally like to spend time with them? You ...

Get to know the Barefoot Team – Physio Cath’s Barefooter Story
1 – What’s something you love to do outside of work and how does it help you live your Barefoot Lifestyle? Spending time with friends and family! I usually try to do this in an outdoor setting so getting a dose of both nature and personal connection! It's always a good way to regroup, get inspired and refill my own cup. 2 – We know that bodies love to move, what do you enjoy to do movement-wise? Thinking about it, ...

Barefooter Evelyn – Dentistry, Pilates, Travel and her Puppy
What drew you to dentistry in the first place? And what really interests you in the dentistry field? I stumbled into dentistry. Back in Year 12 when I was submitting preferences for university, all I knew was that I didn’t want to be stuck in a boring desk job for the rest of my life. I always thought health sciences would be interesting. Dentistry definitely took some time to grow on me and it’s only in the last few years ...

Barefooter Kate Mendel loves her Rock Climbing!
How long have you been climbing for and what got you into climbing in the first place? I have been climbing competitively for four years now, since I was eleven, starting with a social comp at my gym. My first indoor rock climbing experience was when I was 4 years old at my cousin’s birthday party, but I have been climbing furniture, trees and door frames around my house since I was 8 months old. Explain the different types of ...

Katie Abbott, a Proud Dog Mum who also loves shredding trails on her Mountain-bike.
Katie Abbott recently started telling us about what she got up to in her spare time. When we started to dig a little deeper, we found a very Proud Dog Mum who has the most incredible little guy Nero who does the most amazing things. On top of this, Katie is also quite an avid mountain-biker, which she came to a bit by accident. So we asked a few more questions and then couldn't help but put this article together ...

Jasmine can dance up a storm!
We titled this BLOG post 'Jasmine can dance up a storm!' as we were recently blown away by an Instagram post she put up a little while ago. While it said in the description: hip-hop level 1, we think it was absolutely next level - literally and figuratively. Click this and tell us what you think? Jasmine Hip-Hop So we needed to know a bit more about Jasmine, and when we started to dig, we found out just how amazing she ...

Daniel is heading off for a Canadian Adventure!
Daniel is an extremely active athlete, playing rugby, enjoying swimming and hiking. Now his education and talents take him for a Canadian Adventure, where he is looking forward to both Summer and Winters so he can pursue all of his loves. When you first came in, you were big into rugby and have since been filling your time with other activities – what would a regular week look like for you? I like to try and do something on most ...

Jason – A life of sport, dance and timber
We love hearing from our Barefooters and the incredibly cool things they do in their lives. It makes what we do so much more enjoyable (and entertaining!). Jason is a great example of someone who really leans in to life and enjoys all aspects. Read on for all about Brisbane’s dance scene – Jason is a great person to ask all about it and some fun facts about him! Jason you are a very committed dancer – what type of ...
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