Why we ask what a “good result” means to you.
If you have been to the clinic, you’ll know that we like to ask “What would be a good result for you?”. This may seem straightforward or even silly to some, but we have found that talking about what “good results” means to you is one of the most important things we ask.
Let me explain…
Here at Barefoot, we see a wide array of people, with a variety of concerns. We value the individuality of each client and appreciate that one clients “good result” may be different to the next. The team here love to adapt our care to match you! Modifying our care for each client takes many forms. A major part of this, is making sure we tailor our treatment to your specific goals.
Good results can be different
We are constantly amazed at the different answers we get by asking people about their “good result”. Many people simply want to be “Pain free”. This is one of the most common reasons people visit a physio. However, there are often other factors that people prioritise ahead of pain relief. For example,“I want to understand what is happening in my body” or “I want to know how to prevent this happening again” or “I want to be able to enjoy playing with my Grandkids” or my personal favourite…“I want to be able to dance like Pink!”
While not all of these are explicitly in the realm of physio, understanding what is important to you means we can target our treatment! This ensures we refer you to the right professionals for all the other areas that aren’t physio related so that you achieve the best result possible.
Adapting our treatment
What is right for some, is not right for another. Some of our clients love to do physio homework (exercises, muscle releases etc). Therefore a treatment session will involve spending time teaching and correcting exercises. This results in the best chance of self-managing your condition.
This isn’t the path for everyone though. We might spend more time doing hands on treatment, or discussing and planning who else should be part of their health team (EG/ Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer, Dietitian). This can even be the case for one person at different times. Your priorities change across your life and your goals will too.
Understanding your goals can also help us map out your recovery process. For some people, time is a very pressing matter (Eg/ “I fly to Europe tomorrow and I want to enjoy my holiday!”), while others might have long term goals in mind (“I want to ensure my body is prepared to carry a pregnancy”).
Whatever your goals are, we love helping people work towards them. Even better is when we can tick them off by reaching your good result, and setting a new one! Make sure you have a chat to your physio about what is currently important for you.
If you have questions or would like to know more please contact hello@barefootphysiotherapy.com.au