
57 year old female part-time lecturer

Reason for coming to Barefoot Physiotherapy:

Client experiencing pain and stiffness in shoulder during training at the gym and everyday activities. Had previously been given a diagnosis of frozen shoulder and had been told to ‘wait it out.’ Wanted to see if she could get better movement as well as understand what was going on in her body.
Goal: increase shoulder movement to do up bra and fully participate in gym program

Presented with:

Rounded shoulder posture
95% Neural irritation
<50% active movement at the affected shoulder <30% passive shoulder internal and external rotation at 90 degrees at the affected shoulder <40% active movement of the neck Unable to do up bra Muscle guarding at the neck, shoulders and back Poor shoulder (scapular) control


Neural interface treatment
Joint glides of thoracic spine
Trigger point release of overactive muscles
Postural taping
Home exercise program (daily) of joint mobility, muscle releases and strength exercises

Outcome (6 sessions in 2.5 weeks):

0% nerve irritation in all tests bar the affected arm (20% irritation)
90% active shoulder elevation at the affected shoulder
70% passive shoulder internal rotation at 90 degrees at the affected shoulder
50% passive shoulder external rotation at 90 degrees at the affected shoulder
80% active movement of the neck
Able to do up bra
Decreased muscle guarding at the neck, shoulders and back

Influences on the Result:

Client was already working with an excellent PT who attended sessions and kept great communication. The client works part time. The client had previous injuries and knew the importance of doing home releases and treatment to maintain the gains made during each session. Carrying her grand-daughter flares up her shoulder and she can’t avoid this activity. Client continues increasing range of motion and strength with weekly physio and personal training sessions.