What makes Barefoot unique?
What makes Barefoot different?
Ever wondered what makes Barefoot Physiotherapy is different? When your body isn’t operating as you want it to, every part of your life suffers. We get it, we’ve been there. Every Australian deserves to live life to the fullest and not have injury and pain hold them back – so let the practitioners at one of Queensland’s trusted physiotherapy clinics help you out.
Our clients travel from far and wide across Australia. People come to Barefoot Physiotherapy from Melbourne, the Gold Coast, and the Northern Territory Outback to be treated right alongside our local clients in Graceville, Indooroopilly and Yeronga. Our experienced Sports Physiotherapist learn about their health goals and help them to get their bodies back working the way they want them.
Every day we are inspired by the amazing and beautiful people that come to our clinic. We are lucky enough to make a noticeable difference in people’s lives and coming to work is a delight.
What does treatment look like at Barefoot Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy treatment at Barefoot follows the Barefoot Physiotherapy Plan. Our goal is to help you be able to do what you want with your body. We use a thorough whole body assessment to work out the underlying cause of the condition. We can then treat it, teach you to treat it and together take care of your body, long term.
You will experience a systematic, thorough testing process that identifies the underlying cause of your condition.
This assessment includes testing your:
- nerves
- muscles (including tendons)
- joints (ligaments, discs, bones, cartilage) and
- movements.
What’s next?
In the vast majority of sports and musculoskeletal conditions, this process leads to a rapid and full recovery. During this initial phase, you can trust that you are either going to get rapidly fixed, or a ‘Plan B’ is required.
In a small percentage of conditions, this process quickly identifies that a referral for a different management of the condition is most appropriate, i.e. ‘Plan B’ where we help you find the right path (whether that be imaging, acupuncture, medical etc.) – this is because we don’t continue treating without results.
For the majority of cases (not a Plan B case) treatment then focusses on the underlying cause to reduce its impact on the rest of your body.
We chart your progress including how long and how many sessions will be required to achieve pain free, full function. Below is an example recovery graph.
Importantly – this involves teaching you how to look after your condition to minimise recurrence. Click here for muscle retraining.
Once you are back doing what you want with your body, looking after your condition is the mainstay of treatment. We call this the ‘maintenance phase’ where your Barefoot Physiotherapist checks in on you at increasing intervals (up to 3 months).
There are three main reasons for these sessions:
1. To test and confirm your good self-management
2. Progressing your skills for achieving better performance
3. To treat any re-accumulation of strain that occurred in between sessions as a result of life’s challenges
Barefoot Physiotherapy also runs sessions in the gym, workplace or home (where appropriate) for clients to:
- Optimise motor control and postures
- Improve progression from injured to non-injured state
- Minimise avoidable strain placed on the body (and therefore decrease the frequency of maintenance sessions in the clinic).
Our clients find these sessions very valuable and highly specific to them. Want to find our more, click here to view our Barefoot Lifestyle guide.