Barefoot Physiotherapy Brisbane example of a Glute self release clients can do at home.

Self Management Physiotherapy

The goal of any Physiotherapy is ultimately empowerment and understanding, we want to provide you with the tools to be able to look after your body and to do it well. A one-size-fits-all blanket approach to self-care is not effective and in a lot of cases can do more harm than good. The human body is complex and every single one of us is different which mean our needs differ too. What one body likes, may exacerbate symptoms in someone else, so we aim to guide you to better understand your body and what it wants so that you can give yourself the best care.

Different how?

We all have different anatomy, postures, jobs, daily activities and hobbies which all goes into influencing our bodies and how they feel. At Barefoot we appreciate these differences and are committed to finding the root cause of your issues. We target these primary areas with our treatment and provide the tools so you can do self management physiotherapy at home too, because to get the best results you need to be able to take care of yourself.

Examples of Self Management Physiotherapy:

‘Person A’ presents with right shoulder pain and lower back pain and after testing with them we find that treatment to their glutes and right pec muscle is most effective so they get these releases for homework. ‘Person B’ also presents with right sided shoulder pain and lower back pain but treatment to their midback and glutes as well as pelvic tilts are most effective for their body so they receive these for homework.

You can see there is some overlap and some difference in homework for each person due to what works best for their body. We arrive at this knowledge through a process of testing with each person, as well as an understanding and appreciation for an individual’s situation. Self management physiotherapy is about feeling empowered and confident to take care of yourself armed with the right knowledge about your body and it’s requirements. If you’d like to book with us call 1300 842 850 or book online


Running technique – with Physio Caitlin

Running technique

If you ask any running coach or physio how important good technique is, you’re sure to open up a real can of worms. While there are certainly some elite athletes with unusual running technique, I believe that correct form plays a role in both injury prevention and performance enhancement.

So what does good running technique look like?

  • Overall posture – typically, we’re aiming for the same optimal alignment that we’d look for in any task. That is, a neutral spine, shoulders over hips, feet under hips. The only difference in running is that we are also wanting a slight forward lean to encourage the forward momentum. This forward lean should come from the ankles
  • Leg cycle – running stride should be driven by hip movement. The upper thigh should swing upwards to initiate the stride, with the knee and ankle following through. The foot should then hit the ground underneath the hip. If the foot lands in front this changes the running action from a “push” to a “pull” which is less efficient and a higher risk of injury.
  • Pelvis control – to avoid wasting energy (and unnecessarily loading other structures like your lower back), we also want to see a stable pelvis in all directions. That is, there should be minimal movement of the pelvis forward to back or side to side.
  • Foot position – the foot should stay dorsiflexed (ie toes up) throughout cycle. When the foot hits the ground, ideally it’s the middle to front of the foot that makes initial contact, not the heel
  • Arm drive – focus should be on driving the arm back (often people think of pulling the arms up in front). Legs will copy what the arms do – so important that arm drive stays square (not across body)

Some of these technique points, like arm drive, can be easy to modify and make an immediate and noticeable improvement. However others, like pelvis stability, might be more challenging and also require strength training or consistent technical work (such as drills) to achieve lasting change. If you are interested in improving your running or making yourself more injury-proof, book in with one of our physios today.

Best Physio Brisbane

Postnatal Physiotherapy

Postnatal care is an important part of physiotherapy; as helping a mother regain control of their body and understand the changes that they have undergone is vital to an effective return to their pre -pregnancy self.  Empowering people to be their own health champion and live their Barefoot lifestyle is one of the pillars of our physiotherapy approach . If you are experiencing any discomfort post pregnancy, you may benefit from seeing a Barefoot Physiotherapist for pregnancy physio services. Whether you are 2 weeks or 4 months post-partum it is important to ensure your body is strong and able to support you throughout the joys of motherhood.

Common postnatal changes to your body:

After giving birth you may experience some of the following concerns; urinary incontinence (or leakage), a heavy feeling in your pelvic region, an inability to return to some of your favourite exercises without discomfort (running, jumping, heavy lifting), over active or underactive pelvic floor and rectus diastasis (abdominal separation).  A physiotherapy assessment can help determine your best course of treatment to help resolve these issues and return you to your normal or an improved level of function. 


Physio brisbane

What your Postnatal Physiotherapy session will include:

  1. Your Barefoot Physiotherapist will sensitively listen to your concerns and come up with an assessment and treatment plan to address your issue.
  2. The initial assessment will utilise Barefoot’s plan and test for any nerve irritation, reduced movement range, muscle tightness and joint stiffness. It will also be tailored to your individual concern and if applicable may include an external pelvic floor assessment, exercise review and rectus diastasis measurement.
  3. Your treatment will utilise best practice guidelines and include a combination of hands on treatment, exercise prescription and advice and education.
  4. At the conclusion of the session your Barefoot Physiotherapist will email you a summary of your session and your home program to ensure you are able to help manage your symptoms between sessions.

Book with Barefoot for Postnatal Physiotherapy

If you or someone else is experiencing  pain or discomfort associated with pregnancy we can help assess and determine your best course of treatment. Book in with Barefoot today by calling us on 1300 842 850.

Pelvic girdle pain physio

Prenatal Physiotherapy

As an expectant mother you may be experiencing various discomforts; whether this is baby number one or three your body will be constantly adapting over the course of your pregnancy. If you are experiencing  any pain or discomfort associated with pregnancy or have any questions about your changing body, you may benefit from a prenatal physiotherapy consultation. Barefoot Physiotherapy can help you address your symptoms and be as comfortable as possible throughout your pregnancy with our leading pregnancy physio services.

What to Expect at a Barefoot Prenatal Physiotherapy Appointment:

  1. Your Physiotherapist will address your individual concern and determine whether Physiotherapy is your best course of treatment or if your GP or Obstetrician needs to be consulted.
  2. If your pain or discomfort is musculoskeletal in nature we will then run through our Barefoot Plan; to work out the cause of your symptoms.
  3. The Barefoot Plan includes testing for any nerve irritation, movement restriction, muscular tightness or joint stiffness.
  4. We don’t do any internal examinations; we have thorough assessment techniques that we use. And if we deem that an internal examination is necessary, we may refer you to a trusted colleague.
  5. After an assessment your Physiotherapist will develop a treatment plan; which will likely consist of a combination of hands on treatment, exercise prescription or modification and advice and education.
  6. Dependent upon what trimester you are in, your session may also include a pelvic floor external assessment and if needed instruction on how to increase your strength control to prepare your body for childbirth. This could include exercises, breathing control and extra support options i.e. tummy tights.
  7. At the conclusion of your appointment we will email you a summary of  your session with your home exercise program and any education to help you manage your symptoms at home, between appointments. If you have any questions or concerns between your sessions your Barefoot physiotherapist will be contactable by email or the clinic phone.

What to do next:

If this sounds like the type of Physiotherapy you are searching for please don’t hesitate to reach out. If you or someone else is experiencing  pain or discomfort associated with pregnancy we can help assess and determine your best course of treatment. Book in with Barefoot today by calling us on 1300 842 850 or using the book online link on our website.

Breath physio

Thoracic Pain Treatment with Physiotherapy

If you are experiencing thoracic pain, you may benefit from a thorough physiotherapy assessment for thoracic pain treatment. Thoracic pain can present in many ways.  You may feel stiffness or burning between the shoulder blades; tightness or pain around the mid spine or ribcage; difficulty in twisting side to side, reaching overhead or taking a deep breath.  Thoracic pain or stiffness may be involved in neck pain, shoulder pain or low back pain.

At Barefoot Physiotherapy we often see client with these presentations, and we understand how important it is to manage to get you back to feeling your best with day-to-day activities! Because we know how important the management of thoracic pain is, we have done extra training in assessing and treating the thoracic area via the Thoracic Rings Approach. Read on to learn more about Thoracic pain treatment with Physiotherapy.

What is involved in thoracic pain?

The thoracic region is made up of 12 thoracic vertebrae, 12 sets of ribs (10 of which attach to your sternum), your sternum, clavicle and diaphragm. There are many joints and muscles involved in maintaining comfortable movement and breath. The thoracic region is involved in everything from sitting at your desk to doing cartwheels!

Thoracic pain may occur from muscle strain or tightness, joint stiffness or inflammation, or movement overload.  It may also stem from restrictive clothing such as a tight bra or binder. There may be a more serious reason for your pain: fracture after a trauma, systemic illness or thoracic nerve involvement.  Your physiotherapist can help determine if you need imaging or a visit to your GP for thoracic pain treatment.

How is thoracic pain treated?

After a thorough subjective (talking) and objective (hands on, physical) assessment we can determine the most likely cause of your thoracic pain symptoms.  Your physiotherapist will work with you to determine the most efficient way of reducing your symptoms.  This will likely involve:

  • Hands on joint mobilisation, muscle release treatment or dry needling.
  • Mobility and motor control exercises
  • Breath retraining
  • Posture cues
  • Strengthening exercises

The timeline to full recovery is different for every person.  Your Physiotherapist will make sure you are equipped with knowledge and self-management techniques for the best outcome!

If you or someone you know is experiencing thoracic or rib pain contact us to book in for an initial assessment.   Give us a call on 1300 842 850 or click here to book an appointment.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Physio

Rheumatoid Arthritis

When considering rheumatoid arthritis physio, there are a number of different types of arthritis, but they all are characterised by inflammation of joints. The type of arthritis most people are familiar with is osteoarthritis (OA). OA can occur in one single joint or multiple joints, is typically experienced in older populations and features loss of cartilage. Past trauma may be a contributing factor, but is not always present. By comparison, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition. Autoimmune conditions are when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissue. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, the lining of the joint is the target. Eventually most of the joints in the body will become affected if rheumatoid arthritis is present. While the two conditions are quite different, they can both benefit from physiotherapy.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

  • Swollen, sore, warm joints
  • Usually the same joints are affected on both sides of the body
  • Often stiffest in the morning or after prolonged inactivity (think sitting down for a few hours)
  • Typically starts in smaller joints (eg fingers and toes) and progresses to involve larger joints (eg hips, knees, shoulders)
  • Fatigue
  • Periods of ‘flare’ and ‘remission’ – autoimmune conditions often go through waves alternating between being more active, resulting in worse symptoms and then settling down where symptoms may be relative minor
  • Over time, the bones can also be affected and result in the joints visibly changing shape

Rheumatoid Arthritis Physio & Treatment

While there is no cure for RA, there are a number of treatments that can help slow the progression of disease and also ease the symptoms. Best management of RA will involve a rheumatologist (doctor specialising in autoimmune and musculoskeletal conditions) as well as physiotherapy. Medical management largely focuses on medication – including drugs to moderate the immune system as well as anti-inflammatories. Physiotherapy can help in a variety of ways. Hands on treatment is targeted at improving range of motion and reducing pain. Exercise prescription is aimed at increasing functional capacity – this can involve a combination of gentle strength exercises and general low impact aerobic exercise such as walking or hydrotherapy. Physio is also important for education and empowering people to understand their condition so that they can self-manage. Self-empowerment is central to Barefoot’s way of treating and is particularly important for long-term conditions like RA. We can help with learning ways to adjust tasks to unload certain joints, how to self-pace exercise and when to rest.

Book in with Barefoot Physiotherapy

If you or someone you know has RA, we would love to help with their management. Book in with Barefoot today by calling us on 1300 842 850 or booking online.

HAES Physio – Health at Every Size Physiotherapy

Your health is not dependent on your weight.

This may be surprising given the narrative spun from a host of sources including health professionals. Health at Every Size (HAES) is “an approach to public health that seeks to de-emphasise weight loss as a health goal, and reduce stigma towards people who are overweight or obese.” At Barefoot Physiotherapy, we place a lot of value in inclusion and take a non-biased approach to healthcare for our community with leading HAES physio initiatives.

Weight isn’t as 2 dimensional as diet and exercise…

We understand that size is complex and is influenced by many factors outside an individual’s control e.g hormones, genetics, and illness. Yes, diet and exercise definitely play a role, however the research shows that focussing on these factors can often be counterproductive for a person’s overall health and wellbeing. It’s all very familiar when we hear our clients have been told to “just lose weight” in order to solve their health issues or pain. This is a problem because in addition to being misleading, it also tends to have a negative effect on an individual’s health. Research shows that intentional weight loss doesn’t work. 95% or more of people who start dieting end up regaining all the weight they lost and 2/3 of those end up being heavier than when they started. This phenomenon can result in very disordered eating patterns and unhealthy habits, so it makes sense to move the conversation away from weight and focus on health in a more holistic sense.

What does this mean?

We can use so many other outcomes to measure one’s health e.g sleep quality, energy levels, and mood. More accurately, we should look at health as a combination of all of it’s many facets and ask the question, “what healthy habits can I employ to feel better now?”. This may be to focus on the joy of movement itself. This isn’t to say that having the goal of losing weight is wrong, so long as there is a clear understanding as to why.

Whatever your goal may be, we are here to support you on your journey to achieving it and feeling your best. Book your appointment with one of Brisbane’s HAES Physio team members by calling 1300 842 850 or booking online

Dry needling brisbane services

How does Dry Needling work?

We are often asked by clients “how does dry needling work?”. Dry needling is a treatment technique that can be used to improve function of a muscle or decrease pain felt in the body. Dry needling can be used to initiate an immune response and change activation of nerve fibres.  

What Is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is a practice used by allied health professionals that have been specifically trained in this technique. Dry needling is named as such to contrast with other types of “wet” needling, think injection of medicine or a tattoo needle.

Dry needling works by using a very thin, single use needle inserted into the body at specific locations depending on what the goal of treatment is. Western Dry Needling focuses on the release of muscle, ‘trigger points’ by inserting the needling directly into the targeted muscle. Eastern Dry Needling in directed by the understanding of meridian or energy lines to treat systemic issues.

The physiotherapists at Barefoot Physiotherapy primarily use western techniques though occasionally eastern techniques are used to support treatment as well.

What Does Dry Needling Do?

You may be wondering “what does dry needling do?”

Dry needling works to alter and improve our body’s capacity to move comfortably. It reduces tension in the muscle by changing the length of muscle fibres. It can decrease overall sensitivity of a muscle or body part. Dry needling can be used to decrease joint stiffness and increase joint movement. It can also be used to calm the overall nervous system of a body, decreasing the stress response that occurs on a mental and cellular level.

So, How Do Dry Needles Work?

How Does Dry Needling Work?

Dry needling works via five main effects:

  • Peripheral (local) effects: initiates a local inflammatory response and release of local endorphins; increases local blood flow; causes a twitch and release response of muscle fibres via changes to calcium channels in the muscle fibres.
  • Segmental (at the spinal cord) effects: pain gating where information from the needle insertion overrides other information from the area; enkephalin (endorphin) releases which acts as an internal Panadol osteo.
  • Extra-segmental (at the brain) effects: releases serotonin, adrenaline and endogenous opioids to reduce pain felt in the whole body.
  • Sympathetic effects: needling can stimulate the autonomic system and change sympathetic output.
  • Immune effects: can support regulation of the immunoinflammatory process by release of endogenous opioids.

When to Use Dry Needling:

And when to use dry needling?

Dry needling can be used for a variety of injuries or concerns. Your physiotherapist may use this technique to help reduce swelling after an acute injury. It can reduce muscle spasm in a semi-acute flare up (e.g., back pain). We can use dry needling to assist in reducing headaches and stress. Dry needling techniques can be used to encourage tissue healing with persistent injuries such as a hamstring tendinopathy. It can be useful in reducing pain and swelling in knee osteoarthritis.

Dry needling is one of many techniques that we use at Barefoot Physiotherapy for the best management of your care. It may be used in addition to joint mobilisations, muscle self-releases and strengthening exercises.

How Does Dry Needling Help Chronic Injuries or Pain?

Dry needling for chronic injuries or pain uses a slightly different approach to dry needling for tight muscles. In chronic injuries or pain, we are wanting to have more systemic changes from our needling techniques. In this instance, we may use more gentle techniques where the needles are left inserted for a longer period of time. We may also use more traditional eastern techniques to support certain systems of the body. We can use eastern techniques with a western framework to provide a variety of stimuli to the area of focus without overwhelming the system while still changing the input to certain joints or muscles.

How Long Does Dry Needling Take to Work?

The timeframe for how long dry needling takes to work changes depending on the reason for using and the technique used. We are often asked, “how does dry needling work with different techniques?”

Pecking techniques where we seek a muscle twitch work immediately and continue with an increase local blood flow for an hour post treatment. A twitch response corresponds with immediate changes to muscle length. Sustained insertion of a dry needle can begin to make changes in as little as 1-10 minutes. Chemical reactions initiated via the insertion of the needle continue to last for up to 48 hours post treatment. You may need multiple sessions utilizing dry needling to gain the full benefit.

Is Dry Needling Painful?

We are often asked if dry needling is painful. There is often a little pinch or “mosquito bite” on the insertion of the needle. As the needle moves into the targeted area of muscle you may feel a dull ache, a slight grab or even a muscle twitch (involuntary muscle activation). The ache will usually subside after the needle has been inserted for a few minutes. Your physiotherapist will be communicating with you during this process. There is a small chance of ongoing sharpness or a zapping sensation. If this is the case the physiotherapy will alter the position of the needle. At Barefoot Physiotherapy we stay in the room with you while the needles are inserted and can adjust or answer questions at any time.

Book In with Barefoot for Dry Needling Today

Hopefully this blog has helped you gain a better understanding of dry needling and how it can be used. If you have questions about using dry needling as a component of your treatment, ask your physiotherapist. Book in with us today by calling us on 1300 842 850 or using the book online link on our website home page.

Barefoot Physiotherapy Brisbane, example oA Physio treats jaw pain with a jaw release.

How to release Jaw Tension

How to release Jaw Tension is a common question we are asked by clients at Barefoot Physiotherapy. Jaw tension and pain can be a debilitating condition that affects your neck movement, ability to eat and ability to speak. The jaw muscles are utilised every time you eat, talk and smile, and like any muscle if overworked they can become tight causing you pain and discomfort. In some cases, this can result in a locked jaw.

The intensity of your jaw pain can vary and can often be described as throbbing, tender or achy. These feelings may be exasperated by smiling, talking, chewing or yawning. In addition, the location of your jaw pain can vary from both sides of your jaw, to just under your ear, closer to your chin, your neck or nose. Therefore, you may be wondering how to release jaw tension to help prevent pain and incorrect function. In this article we’re going to provide you 4 expert tips on releasing jaw tension backed by qualified and experienced physiotherapists here at Barefoot Physiotherapy.

What Causes Jaw Tension?

Releasing jaw tension is important for your overall jaw control, neck movement and in some cases headache management. Jaw tension can develop due to multiple reasons common ones include; TMJ disorder, teeth grinding, jaw clenching, poor neck positioning, stress and excessive chewing. If one of the above reasons isn’t causing your jaw pain your Physiotherapists will recommend consulting your GP to ensure there are no systematic issues that are the cause i.e. Rheumatoid arthritis. Your Physiotherapist might also recommend you consult your dental practitioner if your tension is developing due to night time teeth grinding or jaw clenching, as they can assist with developing a mouth guard for you.

How Can You Release Jaw Tension?

In your assessment, your Barefoot physiotherapist will explain and demonstrate how to relieve jaw tension and pain. Your physiotherapist can provide hands on relief to the jaw by targeting the muscles which make up the TMJ including; the masseter and temporomandibular.

If needed, your physiotherapist may also release through your upper cervical muscles to help relieve pressure around the joint and base of the skull. Once your physiotherapist determines the best way to release your individual pain, they will teach you how to manage your symptoms and relax the jaw in the comfort of your home, at work or with activities that tend to tighten your jaw.

Tips for Releasing Jaw Tension & Pain

  • Jaw Relaxation position

The jaw relaxation position is an excellent way to help combat and prevent jaw tightness. It allows your jaw to maintain a relaxed position in activities throughout the day and can also help reduce the build-up of jaw/ neck tightness which leads to headaches. The jaw relaxation position; is to lightly place your tongue behind the top of your teeth and let your jaw sit in its natural position. You should feel a sense of lightness in your jaw and it should feel longer. You can practice this position whilst driving, working at a computer or watching TV.

  • Internal Jaw release

You may be wondering how to release jaw tension with your own release. There are 2 major muscle groups in the jaw that you can self-release, and your physiotherapist will show you how to release. For a more specific release, you can place your thumb on the inside of your mouth and the fingers on the outside. Your thumb is on the outside of your teeth (but inside your mouth) and your mouth is relaxed and closed. Squeeze the jaw muscles in between your thumb & fingers. Aim to find a spot in the muscle where your fingers feel like they are pushing against resistance (something firm like a “knot” or “band” in the muscle). Hold each spot for 30 seconds. Aim to find 2-3 spots per muscle group (minimum 1-2 mins per muscle total). CLICK HERE for photos and more instructions.

  • External Jaw release

You can also release the 2 major muscle groups in you jaw externally with a self-release. Your Physiotherapist will show you how to do this; Using your finger/s, move around the jaw muscles near where the jaw opens in front of the ear. Aim to find a spot in the muscle where your fingers feel like they are pushing against resistance (something firm like a “knot” or “band” in the muscle). Hold each spot for 30 seconds. Aim to find 2-3 spots per muscle group (minimum 1-2 mins per muscle total). CLICK HERE for photos and more instructions.

  • Hot/ cold compress

To help relieve aches and pain associated with TMJ disorder or jaw tightness, your physiotherapist will show you how to utilise a hold or cold compress. Using a heat pack will can reduce the muscle spasm around the jaw helping to relax the pull on the joint. In addition, a cold compress can help numb the area to calm any inflammation at the joint and relieve pain. When utilising a heat pack or a warm cloth, don’t apply heat warmer than bath water and only utilise 3-4 time a day for a duration of it 15 minutes at a time. If you are using a cold pack, make sure it is wrapped in a thin towel and only applied 3- or 4-times a day for 15 minutes at a time.  

How To Relax Jaw Tension Throughout the Day

If you are experiencing discomfort in your jaw, you can utilise the tips above to help relieve your jaw tension and pain. When determining how to relieve jaw tension and pain, it is best to first consult your physiotherapist so they can make sure you spend time on the exercises that are best for your individual condition. As described, everyone’s cause of jaw pain can be different and knowing how your pain and tightness is building up is essential to targeting the root cause of your symptoms. However, whilst waiting to consult your physiotherapist starting with some gentle releases and jaw relax position can help ease your symptoms.

How Can I Prevent Jaw Tension?

If you are reading this blog and aren’t experiencing any current jaw pain or discomfort but want to know how to prevent tension, follow these simple tips:

  • Awareness of your jaw position (set reminders to relax your jaw, sticky notes on your computer screen or email reminders are good).
  • Try not to excessively chew (i.e gum).
  • Utilise meditation to help mitigate stress and if you feel your jaw start to click or become tight act quickly and book in to see a physiotherapist.

Release Jaw Tension with Physiotherapy

At Barefoot Physiotherapy, we utilise our Barefoot treatment plan when assessing all new clients this includes when focusing on how to release jaw tension. Our plan includes testing for any nerve irritation, movement reduction, muscle tightness and joint stiffness. Our physiotherapist will also tailor the session to your concern by assessing your jaw range, local muscle tightness throughout the jaw, neck and upper back. If the cause of your jaw pain is due to a local issue at the TMJ joint, your Physiotherapist will discuss with you the best course of treatment to resolve your symptoms. 

Book in with Barefoot for TMJ Treatment Today

Therefore, we hope you now have a better understanding of how jaw muscles become tight and how to release jaw tension. If you or anyone you know is experiencing jaw pain, discomfort or locking please do not hesitate to contact us at Barefoot Physiotherapy. We can help determine if it is a musculoskeletal issue and then work with you to plan your best course of treatment. Book in with us today by calling us on 1300 842 850 or BOOK ONLINE with one of our team today.

Shoes physio

Choosing the Right Shoes

What shoes should I buy? What are physio recommended shoes?

One of the most frequently asked questions in the clinic is “what shoes should I wear?”. With the options on the market ever expanding, this is a complex question influenced by a variety of factors. As with most things, there is no “best” shoe and the options are going to vary significantly depending on your personal physiotherapy/injury history and what you need from the shoe. While a shoe on its own is unlikely to cause or fix an injury, physio recommended shoes certainly can play an important role so you might as well make sure its making a positive impact!

For your day to day shoes, consider –

Are you on your feet or sitting for most of the day? It almost goes without saying – if you are on your feet for most of the day, you will likely need more support and cushioning. While more cushioning is straightforward (get the pillowy comfortable ones!), support is often overlooked. If you are standing for most of the day then it is likely your feet will get tired, so assisting your foot muscles with some passive support can help minimise injury. Look for shoes with arch support and a structured upper (ie not a soft mesh upper)

If you are looking for exercising shoes, some questions to consider:

  • What is the main activity you will be doing in them? The best shoes for lifting weight are not the same as the best shoes for running a marathon. Lifting shoes are usually stiff, with a raised heel to allow for maximum stability and driving through your heels when lifting heavy. Running shoes on the other hand are usually much softer to help cushion the impact of repetitive foot strikes. A ‘court shoe’ (no, not that kind) for squash/netball/court sports, is usually less cushioned than a running shoe but provides some side-to-side stability to help with changing direction.

    If you have an even split of running and lifting (or lifting and squash etc) and your budget allows – you are best off getting two different pairs of shoes. If you mostly run and do some body weight strength once or twice a week then go with the running shoes! There are also some shoes out there now that do try to accommodate some running and lifting so there are plenty of options but make sure you consider what your primary purpose for the shoes are.

  • How do you want your shoes to support you? Every body has its ‘weaker links’ – if one of yours is in your feet (eg your physio or podiatrist has said you could benefit from strengthening your feet and arch) the consider how your shoe might be able to support this. Likewise if you really feel the impact of running – consider a softer or more cushioned shoe (as well as a biomechanics review with your physio!)

The most important question of all is always are they comfortable? While it might take some getting used to a new shoe, if you are getting foot pain or blisters then they are not the right ones for you!

If you aren’t sure if your new shoes are right for you – bring them along to your appointment and get your physio to check them out on your body! Barefoot Physiotherapy can provide professional advice on physio recommended shoes to make sure you’re getting the most out of your footwear. Click here to book online now.